Your portfolio works for positive change by investing in companies that have stronger environmental and social footprints than their peers. It also works for positive change by pressuring large corporations to clean up their act through the Shareholder Advocacy process. We wanted to share an update from Green Century’s industry leading advocacy work. Blue Summit uses Green Century Funds in our model portfolios and they are the only mutual fund company in the U.S. wholly owned by environmental and public health non-profits.
Below are some clear wins that your investments helped accomplish in 2024:
1.) Increasing forest protections - Costco, the nation’s third largest retailer, agreed to increase its protection of forests. In response to a shareholder proposal from Green Century this summer, Costco committed to publish a deforestation assessment and action plan for its Kirkland Signature brand with the goal of preserving forests and biodiversity.
2.) Reducing plastic use - retail giants Costco and Disney, toymakers Hasbro and Mattel, hotels Marriott, Hilton, and Choice Hotels, and other companies agreed to disclose their plastic footprints and/or set goals to cut plastic use. Learn more here.
3.) Protecting natural spaces - The Okefenokee (southeastern Georgia) is one of the largest freshwater wetlands in the world, a massive carbon sink, and home to over 1,000 species of plants and animals. In response to a shareholder proposal filed by Green Century, Chemours – the DuPont chemical company spinoff – agreed in 2022 to not buy titanium sourced from mines adjacent to the Okefenokee. Green Century continued to press Chemours in 2024 to make that commitment permanent.
Your investments are making a tangible difference, from protecting forests and wetlands to reducing plastic waste. We hope you find these on-the-ground shareholder highlights interesting and insightful.
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Blue Summit does not directly engage with companies listed above. Many, but not all clients, are invested in the funds that perform this advocacy.