Dear Clients and Friends of Blue Summit,
We hope this message finds you in good health this Holiday season. We wanted to share some encouraging commentary about the Inflation Reduction Act (passed August 2022) and some resources for you.
Since the IRA passed in 2022, it may not be making headlines anymore, but the impact has been significant! Companies have invested more than $270 billion in U.S.-based clean energy projects—think wind, solar, and battery—since the IRA became law. EV technology investment has totaled more than $130 billion, according to White House data. The private sector is expected to spend trillions more to take advantage of the incentives in the law over the next decade. The bottom line is that capital is being deployed in sustainable sectors directly because of the IRA.
As advocates for both financial prosperity and sustainable living, we'd like to also present you with a valuable resource – a comprehensive and user-friendly guide on accessing tax credits for solar energy, electric vehicles and home efficiency upgrades.
Here is a link specific to Electric Vehicles:
We hope you find these insights and resources helpful!
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