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Shareholder Advocacy Pushes Kraft Heinz No-Deforestation Policy

We wanted to share an update from Green Century’s progressive work with reducing deforestation. Green Century is the only mutual fund company in the U.S. wholly owned by environmental and public health non-profits. Blue Summit uses their funds in some of our model portfolios.

Following a shareholder proposal from Green Century, Kraft-Heinz, a global multi-brand food and beverage producer, is taking a big stride towards sustainability with its new Global Deforestation and Conversion-Free Policy. This policy aims to eliminate deforestation across their supply chains by 2025. Here are some summary points below:

  • Deforestation accounts for 12% of global climate emissions.

  • The agriculture sector drives 75% of global tropical deforestation, with the beef industry alone accounting for 41%. Oscar Meyer is a flagship Kraft-Heinz brand, so cleaning up it’s supply chain has significant impact.

  • The policy expands on the 2018 Global Palm Oil policy, setting a 2025 target to eliminate deforestation from vital commodities like beef and soy, which often contribute to tropical deforestation.

  • The focus extends to ecologically significant regions like the Brazilian Amazon, as well as lesser known but equally important areas like the Pantanal wetlands.

Kraft Heinz's stance is a call for a greener industry and a testament to the positive impact of shareholder advocacy and corporate responsibility.

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Blue Summit does not directly engage with companies listed above. Many, but not all clients, are invested in funds that perform this advocacy.


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