We wanted to share an update from Green Century’s progressive work with plastic pollution. Green Century is the only mutual fund company in the world that is owned by environmental non-profits. Blue Summit uses Green Century Funds in our model portfolios.
Green Century has taken a stand on plastic pollution and pressed huge corporations like Coca-Cola, Mattel and Amazon to reduce their plastics footprint. Plastics pollution has burgeoned in the last 2 decades, affecting many areas of ocean and terrestrial health. We’ll highlight some of the accomplishments below.
Coca-Cola — Following a Green Century shareholder proposal, Coca-Cola agreed to reduce its cumulative use of virgin plastic by 3 million metric tons by 2025, which is the equivalent of eliminating 200,000 plastic bottles per minute.
Mattel (largest toy manufacturer after Lego) — Following direct engagement with Mattel’s Director of Sustainability, Green Century secured commitment that they would develop plastics reduction goals and begin disclosing key metrics related to plastic packaging.
Amazon — 44% of independent Amazon shareholders supported the plastics reduction shareholder proposal that Green Century co-filed, the first such proposal filed with the company. The resolution garnered the highest vote for any environmental proposal in the company’s history.
In addition to these specific stories, Green Century filed more climate-related proposals than any other investment firm so far in 2021. These included topics such as on a variety of issues, including tropical forest protection, clean energy, plastic pollution, and preserving biodiversity.
We hope you find this on-the-ground Shareholder Impact story interesting and insightful.
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